Welcome to WinBig, an online fully digital mock casino!

Before You Win Big, Learn More About Us

The Following Technologies Have Been Used On This Project:

The above tech stack was recommended as part of Rutgers Coding Bootcamp curriculum.

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WinBig Inception

The idea for WinBig started as a Full-Stack software programming challenge. It's a fun concept project that pushed its creators to learn new software technologies as they built out this website/web application. In terms of Front-End coding done on the site, HTML 5, CSS 3, and JavaScript were used.

Back-End coding and programming was done utilizing shell scripting in the command line terminal with Node.js and NPM (Node Package Manager) installs, specifically Express.js and Handlebars.js (templating engine that renders HTML templates). Once finished, the application was deployed unto the Heroku cloud platform. Combined, all of the above made this project a Full-Stack Application.

Our Contributors

Meet the Team behind the creation and deployment of WinBig. The following people have contributed to the application:

Click Each of Our Names to Find Us on GitHub!